Head and Neck:
Crest: head fully crested with the crown covered with elongated, stiff, silky feathers, bright golden yellow, and
there may or may not be a slight tinge of read at the very end or tip of the crest.
Face, Chin, Throat and Neck Sides:
rust tan.
Ear Coverts: fulvous-grey.
Wattles and Orbital Skin: light yellow.
Cape of Ruff:
composed of broad, square feathers, golden orange on their exposed part bordered with two blue-black cross lines.
horny yellow.
Iris: light yellow
BODY: Upper Back: dark metallic green, each feather with
a velvety black border.
Lower Back and Rump: deep golden yellow, the fringes of the feathers disintegrated and
passing to scarlet only on the sides. Golden yellow extends to base of tail (no red fringes) over central rectrices.
Flanks: scarlet, passing to light chestnut on the thighs.
Abdomen: scarlet, passing to
light chestnut in the center.
WINGS: Scapulars: deep rusty red.
Tertiaries and their Coverts: deep
metallic blue.
Secondaries and their Coverts: barred chestnut and black.
Primaries: dark brown, blotched
with pale buff.
TAIL: Top or Central Tail Feathers (Rectrices): black, profusely spotted with cinnamon and
tipped with cinnamon-buff.
Other Rectrices: irregularly and obliquely barred black and cinnamon.
Tail Coverts: irregularly barred black and cinnamon at the base with long, narrow, stiff tips of deep scarlet.
Tail Coverts: scarlet.
Length 30 to 31 1/8 inches.
Legs and Feet: Thighs: light chestnut.
and Feet: horny yellow.
SIZE: Length: 39 43 inches.
Young cocks do not color up their first year,
but are often fertile.
Common Faults:
1. Red in crest other than tip.
2. Large size.
3. Barring
in Tail Central Rectrices.
4. Dark or smoky Face.
5. Traces of red over lower back and rump and also over
fringe where rump feathers meet tail central rectrices.
6. Lack of yellow legs.
Head and Neck: Crown and Neck: blackish brown, spotted with cinnamon buff.
Face and Throat:
Ear Coverts: silvery grey, striped with blackish.
Orbital Skin: yellow
Beak: horny
Iris: brown
BODY: Mantle: light rufous buff, evenly barred blackish-brown.
and Rump: rufous, finely streaked and peppered with black.
Breast and Sides: evenly barred buff and blackish-brown.
Abdomen: almost plain buff, there is some individual variation in the depth of the buff.
Coverts, Tertiaries and Secondaries: light rufous buff, with coarse blackish-brown bars.
TAIL: Upper Tail
Coverts: rufous, finely streaked and peppered with black.
Tail: rufous brown, with irregular black bars and
vermiculations lighter at the tip which is pointed.
Under Tail Coverts: barred buff with blackish brown.
13 to 14 inches.
Legs and Feet: Thighs: evenly barred buff and blackish-brown.
Legs and Feet:
horny yellow.
SIZE: Length: 25 1/8 to 26 3/8 inches.
Common Faults:
1. Reddish tinge in
crown should show yellow tinge.
2. Lack of distinct barring in tail.
3. Large size.